Janet Brice Parker’s writing is like sipping a glass of cold tea on a hot summer’s day. Delightful and refreshing. Her masterful weaving of memories and reality holds the reader captive from the first word to the last. There is something in each tale for us to savor and the charm of the old south rings through in many of Parker’s recollections. Don’t deny yourself the pleasure of reading this treasure of a book, and when you’ve finished reading, pass it on to someone you love
– Pamela June Kimmell, Author of “The Mystery of David’s Bridge,” published, 2004 by Hilliard & Harris
Janet Brice Parker is a writer with heart, and she is drawn to share the things she loves. A visual artist as well as writer, her stories come alive through her perceptive eye for the telling detail. Vivid portrayal rather than overt nostalgia, will summon you to look again into your own memories. These stories are grounded in a rooted sense of place; and, with them, the author adds her voice to the long legacy of southern writers. I highly recommend, The Ivy Stays Green if you want to suddenly see the beauty of life and feel affirmed in the ultimate goodness of things.
-Lola S. Scobey, author “Willie Nelson” Country Outlaw” and “Dolly: Daughter of the South”
As the reader turns each page there is a trove of emotions which many readers, I dare say all, will be able to relate with many of the stories. But, of course there are special ones like the short, but poignant, “Song for Papa,” and further on you will read with heartbreak about the mystery of Marie. If you can read “The Dance” without a catch in your throat I will be amazed. Janet Brice Parker has a smooth as southern molasses direct, look-you-in-the-eye style of writing, which will have the reader nodding their heads in agreement with a deep well of understanding and awe of life and the many tricks it likes to play on you.
– Jerry Pat Bolton, author “Margaret and David: A Love Story

These laughable rhythmic poems are destined to be classics. Like Dr. Suess, Roald Dahl and Shel Silverstein, Janet Brice Parker writes to tickle the funny bones of children and adults alike. Kids will learn important life lessons couched in loads of giggling pleasure. Bound to be read and recited over and over again.
-Terri L. French, poet/writer
Janet Brice Parker’s wonderful children’s book, Do Right Rhymes is a total delight. The adorable book is full of learning poems for kids with cute phrases and funny references that will light up the faces of the listeners and readers. This charming book makes learning things so much fun and the accompanying illustrations by the extremely talented Ms. Parker just add to the joy of turning each and every page. A wonderful book to give or to get; a keepsake to remain in a family and read time and again to children and grandchildren. I’d call it a great “lap” book – grab a kid and sit in a comfy chair and read it together.
-Pamela June Kimmell, Author of “The Mystery of David’s Bridge,” published, 2004 by Hilliard & Harris
Janet Brice Parker is the ultimate in creativity. She is a renowned painter and water colorist. Her many awards prove that statement. She has had a multitude of free-lance, artistic jobs. Now she has written “Do Right Rhymes“, this wonderful and fascinating children’s book. “Do Right Rhymes“ is not your normal children’s book, but it is one that I would have dearly loved to have read when I was a child. Hilarious and endearing are just two words that come to mind.
-Jerry Pat Bolton, author of Ram Slade Shamas